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Odrin is a theme specifically created for authors and writes to present and sell their books online. Soufflé tart sweet roll carrot cake icing bear claw dessert oat cake. Lollipop ice cream danish jelly beans cotton candy liquorice cotton candy lemon drops halvah.

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Siberlee’s Good

Siberlee’s Good is the true account Siberlee Araf, who because of her good deeds as a mortal was chosen to become a God. As part of her reward, Siberlee was gifted a world of her own to share with her lover Barak. It is the story of how those two Gods turned that desolate rock into the world we now live in. A world called Mernac.

Onas Brushstroke – 665 AM

Siberlee was given but one directive. To do “good.”

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The Mothers and The Fathers

The Mothers and the Fathers are collectively the 20 Gods of Mernac placed by The One and The Other.  There are seven called the “Mothers” led by Siberlee, The Mother of Nature, and all that is good. The remaining thirteen “Fathers” are led by Barak the Father of Darkness. Each of the Gods was once mortal. They were brought to Mernac to build their own world by The One or The Other as a reward for certain quests they accomplished while living. Each God eventually became the Patron or Matron of their own race of thinking creatures and each has their own favorite places on Mernac, creatures, magic, classes, professions, and religions to which they extend their favor to.

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Siberlee, or Siberlee Araf, as she is sometimes called is, The Mother of Nature and all that is Good. She leads the seven Mothers against Barak and the thirteen Fathers of Darkness.

Most Scribes and Sages agree that the Goddess may be the most important and prominent character in all of Mernac’s long history. Endeared by most, criticized by few, and thought to be “humanly imperfect” by some, there is no doubt that she has influenced more people and events in Mernac than any other being. It has been argued that her failings and imperfections are the real reason she is so successful in her fight against evil, and it is actually her greatest strength. All who know her stories can always identify with her mistakes and occasional “un-godlike” behavior and see that within themselves they too can achieve greatness, despite their own failings. With that understanding comes empathy, and with empathy comes love.

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Barak is the Father of Darkness and leads the thirteen Fathers against Siberlee and the seven Mother of the Light.

When Mernac was gifted to he and Siberlee, he was tasked by The Other with maintaining order and control of that new world. It is thought that when he lost his soul so the race of man could be created, this “control” slowly devolved into what most now call … evil.

“The Father of Fathers, The Father of All That Is Evil, The Master of Control, these and a thousand other epithets describe Barak, The Father of Darkness by those fortunate enough to have met him and survived the telling. For Barak is the polar opposite of Siberlee and her so-called “Goodness.” He is the solid anchor and the control which always has, and always will stop Mernac from going into chaos.”

Ocillis, The Blind

1st Disciple to Barak

668 AM  

£22.00 £19.90
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The Third Book of Goldenfur

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Dash Into the Journey
Explore The World Now

Book of the Month


A story that will really make you tremble with anticipation!

Subsolar Designs

Carrot cake chocolate cake gummies ice cream. Croissant chocolate lemon drops lemon drops cotton candy biscuit. Soufflé tart sweet roll carrot cake icing bear claw dessert oat cake. Lollipop ice cream danish jelly beans cotton candy liquorice cotton candy lemon drops halvah. Candy caramels jelly beans. 


Kathy Andrews

Inspiring Novelist and Award-Winning Author

She has work appearing or forthcoming in over a dozen venues, including Buzzy Mag, The Spirit of Poe, and the British Fantasy Society journal Dark Horizons. Kate is also CEO of a company, specializing in custom book publishing and social media marketing services, have created a community for authors to learn and connect.